February News & Upcoming Events

Welcome Year of the Green Wood Snake!
The Women's Tree Climbing Workshop® is excited to begin our first Tree Climbing Workshop of the year in Wimberley, Texas. February 21-23, 2025 will mark our 6th workshop in Texas. We are honored to continue partnering with ISA Texas Chapter and the fine people who help the Texas arboricultural community gain valuable education.
Post workshop we will be offering for the first time a First Aid, CPR, AED course on Tuesday, 25th and an Aerial Rescue course on Wednesday, 26th. These two courses are open to all genders. If you are needed certification renewals or are looking to gain your ISA Certified Tree Climber credential, then this is your chance to check off a few of the neccessary criteria.
We are delighted to announce that WTCW will be hosting a Booth 852 at ArborExpo in Springfield, MA. Our team will be offering 3 educational sessions each day in our booth and then educating on climbing techniques otherwise on our Booth Truss. Bring your climber, climbing, arboricultural questions to our booth!
THURSDAY – March 27
·Yoga Stretching & Arborist Self Care – Bear LeVangie
The word Yoga immediately conjures up images of super flexible people in stretchy closes. Yoga is not a fad and it's not a religion. It is an ancient physical and spiritual practice that originated in India. Yoga uses postures, focused breathing, and meditation to improve flexibility, build strength, and reduce stress. Yoga is accessible and beneficial for all people, regardless of age, ability, or body type. Come learn a few basics of how to yoke (join) your breathe, mind, and body.
·Knot Tying Station - Friction Hitches and More – Julie Clements & Kate Odell
Don't know a knot, so you tie a lot? Arborists knots can be intimidating, especially with your life on the line. They don't have to be scary. Want to learn knots? Do you already know them all and want to practice? At the WTCW booth we will have 10 stations for you to play, practice and learn.
·Learning the Ropes - A Deeper Dive into Construction - Rebecca Seibel
Thanks to all the Guru's out there who love rope enough to geek out and dive into the weeds. Come explore rope, and their guts and see why it makes a difference. From Climbing lines and rigging lines to throw line and winch line, there is a right tool for the appropriate application.
FRIDAY – March 28
·Mentoring the Next Generation – Developing Your Team and Your Next Team – Sydney Hudzinski-Huber
The dynamic of the work environment is changing, and the way we “train” needs to keep pace. The tree care industry is no longer what it used to be. New employees are no longer willing to wait for years to gain knowledge, advancement, and pay – they'll move on to the next company offering better pay and opportunities.In this session, we’ll explore how industry leaders can recognize this shift and embrace it as an opportunity to become mentors, fostering a skilled and knowledgeable team. Attendees will learn how mentoring can lead to a less stressful work environment and better work-life balance for everyone.
·Arborist Self Care - Water, Nutrition, and Reducing Stress – Nicole ‘carni’ Benjamin
As arborists we often have a heavy focus on maintaining trees, equipment or gear, our client base, certifications, enough work to cover payroll, the list is never ending… It is easy to neglect the two tools that we utilize every day – our body & mind. Join us for an engaging discussion on ways we can easily modify our daily habits to optimize our body & mind to handle the stressors thrown our way in the workplace and life.
·Cross Pollination of Industry Professionals – First Responder, SPRAT, & Arborists – Amanda Whitton
We don't have to operate in a silo - our industry has so many amazing branches that can cross-pollinate with so many other fields. In a casual conversation, let's talk about how you can grow and stretch in as many different ways as you want, making a career out of something that you love and feel energized by. There's no limit to what you can create for yourself when it comes to a career!
Learning the Ropes - When to Use What Rope Where – Kate Odell
Have you ever opened up a tree gear catalog to the rope section and, immediately overwhelmed, thought to yourself, "How are there so many, and how am I supposed to pick the one that's right for me?". Although the world of ropes is vast and ever growing, this talk will try to demystify the decision-making process of finding the right rope for the task at hand, your personal preferences, and most importantly, your favorite color!
SPONSOR THANK YOUs! - Would you like to sponsor?
We also want to express our deep gratitude to our loyal sponsors who have already committed to 2025:
Dyanmica Green Products
Shelter Tree
Don Gardner
Burkett Arbor Care
And our Amazing Patreon Sponsors!
Meggan Hargrave
At Height Inc
Natascha Batchelor
Claire Corcoran
Jennifer McPhee
Brian Carpenter
Julie Sherer
Amy Burkett
Rain Shadow Consulting
Epicenter Management
Tom Ingersoll
Broad Oak Tree & Shrub Care, Inc
Doak Marasco
Dana Karcher
Bear LeVangie
Kate Odell
Dana Coelho
Carol Hendren
Wenda Li
Kristina Bezanson
Laura Grunfeld
Lindsay Watkins
Sarah Campbell
Jean Mitchell
cara b
Ina Purvins
Scout Kerensky-Coodley
Erica Holm
Rachel Vanicek
Woodpecker Tree Care